
Learn about our services

  • Welcome to our Meet & Greet session, a warm and inviting opportunity for us to connect with both our clients and their families. This initial meeting is all about understanding your unique needs and preferences, as well as assessing any mobility requirements. We take the time to get to know you personally, learning about your likes, dislikes, and the names of your loved ones.

    Together, we'll discuss how to best organise our time to ensure a wonderful and successful day. Whether we meet in the comfort of your home or at a cozy local coffee shop or garden center, the environment will be relaxed and welcoming, perfect for a meaningful conversation. We believe that this first meeting is key to building a positive and productive relationship, setting the stage for a memorable experience ahead.

  • We take great pleasure in providing transportation for our clients to and from their desired venues. Our vehicles offer ample space to accommodate walking aids and collapsible wheelchairs, ensuring a comfortable ride. We're also happy to assist other wedding guests upon request.

    If a client relies on a wheelchair, we arrange for a disability taxi to ensure their comfort and convenience. Rest assured, we will accompany our client in the taxi to ensure a seamless and enjoyable journey.

  • Companionship is a key aspect of our services. Through our Meet & Greet session, we ensure that conversations flow smoothly by drawing on our understanding of our clients and their families. Acting as personal assistants throughout the day, we make sure our clients are never left alone, providing constant support and friendly company.

  • We provide comprehensive support to our clients in all aspects of personal care, including assistance with bathing, dressing, managing incontinence, and changing pads and catheter bags. Additionally, our skilled team can paint nails and style hair, offering services such as straightening and curling upon request.

  • Our team is available to provide overnight care, ensuring clients' needs are met throughout the night and offering assistance with personal care in the morning. We are flexible and accommodating, tailoring our services to fit the unique needs of everyone involved.